The Palace in Spruce Pine
June 30, 2020
The day John Stourton’s life changed started as a normal day at home. He taught all of his classes at home, so his usual routine was to get up, feed the dog and cat, make coffee, and wait for the coffee to finish. Once finished, he would sit in his recliner, drinking his coffee and watch the morning news. When 8AM arrived, he would step into his office and start his class. This was a normal day. And when the mailman was spotted, he would go outside and wait for Jeff, the mailman.
Jeff arrived with a small bundle of mail, wished John well and went to his next stop. John, with coffee in hand walked up the driveway and thumbed through the mail. He had just reached the garage when he spotted a letter that looked aged. Like a forgotten letter of many years. He put the other mail down and proceeded to open the letter. Five minutes later, he was in total disbelief. He looked at the envelope, the postage and the return address. The envelope confirmed that it was dispatched out of Athens, GA and that the letter originated from his longtime friend, Steven Drake.
John read the letter again. He noticed movement as two individuals walked up to him. In the distant were black Chevy Suburban’s rolling down the hill. John realized at that very moment; the letter was real.

The Resort on Roan Mountain
October 21, 2021
The story begins in 1908 at the Cloudland Resort, which was located on top of Roan Mountain, a Dr. Philias Francis Stanhope is to wed his childhood sweetheart, one Bernadette Caroline McKinney. While sitting on the balcony facing the south side of the resort, he is interrupted by a knock on the door. He stands and kisses his love and walks to the door. A tall, skinning young man is standing at the door with his morning newspaper and a note. He tips the lad and closes the door. As he returns back to his coffee, he receives a phone call from the newly appointed commissioner of Mitchell County and is requested to come and look at something unusual. Two men have just disappeared while trying to determine why the water has stopped flowing to the resort and a mysterious glow from the rail tunnel has appeared which no one can explain. The commissioner and town council is hoping that Dr. Stanhope can solve the mystery. The question is whether the mystery is ready to be uncovered yet.
One Hundred years later, Dr. John Stourton inherits land which encompasses part of Roan Mountain. He does not understand why the land was donated or who was the landowner. He sends his trusted friends to Bakersville to discover the history of the land. During this time, he finds himself sitting in front of the Senate Committee to answer to questions of the four former senators who were found on the Capital steps. In addition to the hearing, there are those in the senate who want his head while others want him to run for the presidency. And if that was not enough to contend with, he must face the Org. An unknown group that has made their attentions known to him that they too want him to run for the presidency.
The question comes to mind is why they want him to run for president when Stourton is comfortable as being the CEO of LSSL. Why in the world would he want to create even a bigger monster than the one he has manage every day. A disaster looms ahead and know who is safe. What will Stourton do? Will he run for the presidency? Or will he just get totally fed up and retreat to back to Spruce Pine?
Order yourself a Copy Today and Find out what happens!
the hill. John realized at that very moment; the letter was real.
The Estate at Wake Forest

The Estate at Wake Forest
December 20, 2022
This is the 3rd installment of the Dr. John Stourton chronicles. The story moves from the North Carolina mountains to the Piedmont are of Wake Forest, NC. St Stourton has made the decision to run for President of the United States. He decides to move the campaign headquarters to Wake Forest. However, something from the past will reappear which finds individuals bent on recovering the item for the US Government. And there are those who want to see Dr. Stourton dead. Are the two ideas from the same people?

My Imagination at Work
My name is John David Sheuring and I love to write books. My books are milestones for me in my life as I love to write with my imagination and to give you something let your imagination runaway with you. Life should be experienced, and I have had so many wonderful experiences in my life. I have travelled to different places and have met some fantastic people.
I wrote my first book on me, Forever Forward. This book was a culmination of 9 years of writing bits and pieces of my past. In 2017, I finally screwed up the courage to finally decided to complete my book. In May 2018. This was a huge step for me as I had always wanted to share my past to others and put on paper my struggles in my past life. You could say that once written, much of my past fell off my shoulder.
I had considered writing more however life had gotten in the way. Covid changed my life and for many millions of Americans and the world. March 2020 will be a time that many of us will never forget and on April 29, 2020. I sat down at my computer and wrote The Palace in Spruce Pine. On May 30, 2020, I had finished writing my first ever Adventure Novel. The feeling of having that book finished in a month was a rare and unique feeling. My dear friend proofread the book as I wrote the book. She told me that she loved the book. My heart swelled with a feeling that I have not felt in years. Knowing that I accomplished something that I dreamed about for decades finally became reality.
Serenity Prayer
Reinhold Neibuhr
Grant me the Serenity to Accept the Things I cannot Change,
Courage to Change the Things I can and
Wisdom to Know the Difference
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace,
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in life,
And supremely happy with Him forever in the next.
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